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Revenue generated by divesting SOE’s could be ploughed back to infrastructure projects – World Bank

Senior Economist Richard Miller of the World Bank emphasized the necessity for Sri Lanka to persist with its State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) reform program, dismissing the argument against divesting profitable SOEs. He highlighted that privatization could inject fresh capital, enhancing profits and fostering technological advancements, as seen in the cases of Sri Lanka Telecom-Mobitel and Sri Lanka Insurance. The collective losses of 52 key SOEs in 2022 amounted to Rs. 744.6 billion, posing a substantial burden on taxpayers and households. Despite increased tax collection, it's insufficient to cover these losses. Miller advocated for divestment to generate revenue for reinvestment in vital infrastructure projects like healthcare, housing, and transportation. Privatization also offers the potential for reviving loss-making SOEs, leading to savings for the government by halting further financial injections into them.

Revenue generated by divesting SOE’s could be ploughed back to infrastructure projects – World Bank | Daily News

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