ගවේෂණය කරන්න
Schrodinger’s Banks: The Immediate Need for Policies to Ensure Financial Stability
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets.
Schrodinger’s Banks: The Immediate Need for Policies to Ensure Financial Stability
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets.
Schrodinger’s Banks: The Immediate Need for Policies to Ensure Financial Stability
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets.
Schrodinger’s Banks: The Immediate Need for Policies to Ensure Financial Stability
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets.
පනත් සහ ගැසට් පත්ර
Annual Budget Dashboard
අයවැය පොරොන්දු
Fiscal Indicators
ඉන්ධන මිල නිරීක්ෂණ ට්රැකරය
IMF මීටරය
යටිතල පහසුකම් විපරම
PF වයර්
අපි ගැන
Thank You
රාජ්ය මූල්ය දත්ත හා විශ්ලේෂණයන් සඳහා
නිදහස් හා විවෘත ප්රවේශය
PF වයර්
PF වයර්
Sri Lanka moves closer to finalising debt restructuring with Japan
Sri Lanka’s Cabinet approved a debt restructuring agreement with JICA, following bipartisan negotiations and legal clearance, aiming to boost investor confidence and secure further international financial support....
Daily FT
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
2021 අයවැය
2022 අයවැය
2023 අයවැය
2024 අයවැය
Budget 2025
International Monetary Fund
සේවක අර්ථසාධක අරමුදල
කෘෂිකර්ම හා වාරිමාර්ග
සිවිල් පරිපාලනය
ආරක්ෂාව හා මහජන සාමය
බලශක්තිය සහ ජල සැපයුම
සමාජ ආරක්ෂණය සහ සුභසාධනය
ප්රවාහනය සහ සන්නිවේදනය
නාගරික සංවර්ධනය සහ නිවාස
CBSL to issue record high Rs 120B worth of Treasury Bills
Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) will be issuing its largest ever Treasury (T) Bill stock to the market, by an auction in T-Bills’ 100-year-old history, a sum of Rs 120 billion, on Wednesday (25), an upload on CBSL’s website last Friday (20) showed.
Ceylon Today
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Fitch downgrades five Sri Lankan Finance and Leasing Companies
Fitch Ratings has downgraded the National Long-Term Ratings of five Sri Lankan finance and leasing companies (FLCs) after the recent sovereign downgrade and recalibration of the agency’s Sri Lankan National Rating scale. The FLCs’ ratings remain on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). The dow...
Ceylon Today
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Sri Lanka gets first response from China over debt restructuring
China has given Sri Lanka a positive response over the request for debt re-structuring State Minister Shehan Semasinghe said, as the country seeks assurances that debt will be re-structured in line with a program with the International Monetary Fund.
Economy Next
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Exports down for second month in Nov. as global economic slowdown bites
Sri Lanka’s earnings from exports declined for the second consecutive month in November while the trade deficit widened from the previous month, as the global economy slows down amid decades-high inflation and rise in interest rates to tackle the surging prices.
Daily Mirror
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න